Business Café meets up for the 13th time


On November 27th, 2017 the current year’s last and Business Café’s 13th meeting overall took place in Rooms hotel. The meeting was hosted by Mr. Osman Turan, a technology expert and former General Manager of Geocell. He spoke about leadership that drives to success.  

„The year’s last meeting of Business Café turned out to be very interesting and interactive just like all the others. To witnessing success and raising popularity of this project delights us greatly, as PASHA Bank is the partner of Business Cafe from day one. We look forward to continue this tradition in the years to come,“ - said Anano Korkia, Head of PR and Marketing Department at PASHA Bank.

About Business Café:

Business Café is a project initiated by consulting company “Insource” and it has been supported by PASHA Bank since 2015.

Business Café meetings are attended by top managers of large and medium-sized enterprises on regular basis. Each meeting offers a convenient platform for sharing knowledge and experiences as well as discussing the recent trends in various industries and the economy as a whole.

Interesting discussion topics and interactive event format attract the participants and contribute to the rising popularity of the project. As of 2017 two new sponsors have joined the initiative - ACT and Orient Logic.

Among the speakers and presented topics of previous Business Café meetings were:

-    Lado Gurgenidze, former Prime Minister of Georgia, an executive chairman of the supervisory board of Liberty Bank - “Thoughts about management and leadership”
-    Giorgi Kadagidze, former president of National Bank of Georgia - “Innovation management”
-    Alexander Jejelava,  Minister of Education of Georgia -  „Organizational corporate culture“
-    David Gogichaishvili, general manager of Night Show Studio - „Management of human resources”
-    Andro Dgebuadze, business advisor - ”Management 3.0 or MBA books in mirror”
-    Papuna Toliashvili, founder and managing partner of Synergy Group - „Circular organizational structures“
-    Tinatin Rukhadze, Co-founder and General Director at research and consulting company ACT- “Who is the leader of the future?”
-    Guga Tsanava, the businessman and entrepreneur - “Stanford model of management”
- Sascha Ternes, Managing Partner at TERNES Real Estate Fund LLC and former CEO of ProCredit Bank - “Organizational culture, business ethics and corporate management”
-    George Kananashvili, entrepreneur - “Financial technologies and challenges”
-    Levan Bakhia, the founder of “Sarke Studio” - “Reality reflected by „SARKE“ - marketing, managerial and philosophical awakening”
- Alex Chikovani, the founder of agency “LIVE” - “Commercial history of Georgian wine – from its inception up today”.