

Business Café meets up for the 10th time

On May 31st, 2017 the 10th meeting of Business Café was held at Tbilisi Marriott Hotel. Entrepreneur, Mr. George Kananashvili spoke about Financial Technologies and Challenges.


Healthcare Sector Development in Georgia – the Third MEETING ROOM Conference by PASHA Bank

On June 9th in Radisson Blu Iveria Hotel PASHA Bank hosts its third business conference under the auspices of MEETING ROOM with the topic being “Healthcare Sector Development in Georgia.”


Business Café meets up for the 9th time

On May 3rd, 2017 the 9th meeting of Business Café was held at Holiday Inn Tbilisi. Mr. Sascha Ternes, Managing Partner at TERNES Real Estate Fund LLC and former CEO of ProCredit Bank spoke about organizational culture, business ethics and corporate management.


PASHA Bank - Partner of International Business Forum in Batumi

On May 22-23rd International Business Forum takes place in Batumi. The event is organized by consultancy company “IBF” and supported by PASHA Bank.


PASHA Bank – Partner of Golden Brand Awards for the Third Year in a Row

On April 21st, 2017 Golden Brand annual awards ceremony was held in Hotels & Preference Hualing Tbilisi with PASHA Bank being special partner of the event for the third year in a row.


PASHA Bank plants 1000 oak trees

This year again PASHA Bank congratulated its partners and clients on Easter in a special way: on behalf of its associates the Bank planted 1,000 Georgian Oak (Quercus Iberica) and Imeretian Oak (Quercus Imeretina) trees, the latter of which is in the Red List of threatened species of plants.


PASHA Bank Supports Eco Project in Kondoli Village

On April 1st Rotary Club Tbilisi Ambassador in partnership with PASHA Bank carried out an eco-project in Kondoli village (Telavi region, Kakheti)


PASHA Bank to Partner the International Business Forum by BIA

On March 20th BIA Forum ‘Georgian Economy - Prospects and Challenges' takes place in Radisson Blu Iveria hotel. PASHA Bank is the partner of the event.


PASHA Bank to partner the largest HR event in Caucasus - HR Reborn

On March 1-2 Technopark hosts the largest HR event in the region – HR Reborn. The event is organized by HR hub, which unites about 400 HR professional from private and public sectors.


Business Café meets up for the 8th time

On February 22nd 8th meeting of Business Café took place at Holiday Inn Tbilisi. The get together was moderated by the businessman and entrepreneur - Guga Tsanava. The topic of the meeting was “Stanford Model of Management”.